Paying Rent With a Credit Card? Don’t Be Surprised – Sometimes, It Makes Sense!

Paying rent with a credit card is a convenient way for tenants to keep up to date with rent payments. Some landlords accept credit card payments through a rent collection app, or many tenants prefer using an online third-party service to make rental payments. Whatever the case, paying rent with a credit card is a useful option for tenants to pay rent on time.

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How Real Estate Investing Can Build Your Retirement Fund Passively

Real estate investing can be one strategy to use to boost your 401K or other retirement plans you may have now or will be pursuing in the near future. Odds are you are one of the many who stood by in horror as the stock market lost half its value, turning your 401K and/or other retirement plans into dinner & a movie.

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Traveling on Pure Cash Flow – Paying for Paradise with Rentals

About a year before my grandpa died, he sold one of his properties to my mom. This got here started on the investment property journey. She bought it on contract for 45,000 which she has since refinanced after he died. It is currently being rented for 675 a month. She has had her fair share of experiences, but overall I think she does a great job self-managing.

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A Tenant Disappears from a Rental Property – What Should a Landlord Do?

You as the landlord turn up one morning unexpectedly and there it is; your buy-to-let property, empty and abandoned like the 'Mary Celeste'. With any luck the tenant has just removed themselves and their possessions and not any of your residential investment property.

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Advice For Landlords Going To A Court Of Law Against A Tenant

Landlords should see going to court as a landlord's last resort. Unfortunately though, a court appearance is a fact of life for many landlords who are looking at regaining possession of their buy-to-let investment property, or are simply trying to retrieve rent & other monies owed to them by their tenant.

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