Rental Properties are a Solid Investment for Long Term Wealth

Rental properties are one of the most common types of real estate investments and for good reason. Owning real properties offers a source of ongoing and passive income. Also, holding a property long-term creates the opportunity for the property value to increase.

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Real Estate Investing – From Fear to Focus

What do you really think of when you hear the term "real estate"? Do these words conjure images of luxurious dream houses and expensive cars, the fruits of wealth through successful investing? Do infomercials promising the life of your dreams come to mind? Or does real estate remind you of today's headlines, with words like "crisis" dominating the discussion?

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Do You Need a Buyer’s List Before You Find a Property?

Do I need a property before I look for buyers, or should I have a list of buyers before I find a property? The most important thing, of course, is to start somewhere - just start. If you don't have connections, investors to sell to, you're probably new to the business and might not even know a good deal if you come across it.

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Importance of Rental Property Maintenance

I remember the auto parts commercial stating that you could prevent a costly engine replacement by simply changing the oil and filter on a regular basis. The tagline was “You can pay me now, or you can pay me later.” That certainly applies to real estate. Performing preventative maintenance on a regular basis can help you avoid expensive repairs on your rental properties.

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Turnkey Real Estate Investing: Getting Started

However, for many first-time investors there are a number of questions/concerns that keep them sitting on the fence. How do I find the right properties? Who do I talk to about renovating the properties? How do I manage the properties while still working my normal job? One possible answer is Turnkey Real Estate Investing!

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Different Types of Real Estate Investments!

Real estate is one of the greatest ways to build wealth, no secret there. Now there are hundreds of different ways to invest in real estate... maybe even thousands! (looks like I’ll have some more blogs to post...) Today I will share with you the four types of real estate: residential, commercial, industrial and land.

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